

I can work within your budget to get you a website you'll love.

Points To Remember About Pricing

  • I will work with you to set a payment plan that will stay within your budget.
  • You are free to back out at anytime prior to going live with no cost to you.
  • You are free to stop at anytime after go live with no additional cost to you
Up Front Cost
  • Based on size and complexity of site
  • May be reduced by increasing hosting payment
  • Is due at completion (go live)
  • Includes 2 month warranty (after go live)
    • Bugs found fixed free of charge
    • After 2 months standard rates apply
  • Includes support
    • Up to a certain number of hours per month
    • Hours do not carry over from month to month
  • Hosting will be cut in half after first year.
  • You can stop anytime with no penalty.



  • Plus $100/year hosting
  • Support @ $50/hour
  • Up to 5 pages
  • Backend Admin Console


Best Choice


  • Plus $50/mo Hosting
  • Up to 1 hour Support/mo
  • 10 Pages/2 Channels
  • Backend Admin Console



  • Plus $100/mo Hosting
  • Up to 2 hours Support/mo
  • 15 Pages/5 Channels
  • Backend Admin Console
  • E-Commerce (Stripe)



  • Plus $150/mo Hosting
  • Up to 3 hours Support/mo
  • 20 Pages/10 Channels
  • Backend Admin Console
  • E-Commerce (Stripe)
  • Reservations | Appointments

Additional pages are at $25 per page, additional channels at $100 per channel. These prices are general guidelines to give you an idea of prices. If your situation doesn't fit into the structure, don't worry I can work within your budget and I'll give you an estimate after we talk.

About Spellman Systems

Building addictively simple web applications since 2008.

Phone: 503.803.7132

Email: info@spellmansystems.com