
Frequently Asked Questions

If you don' find what you're looking for please call 503.803.7132.

It depends. See the pricing page to get an idea. Small sites could be as low as a few hundred, larger sites a thousand or more. I can work within your budget to get you a website you'll love for an affordable price.
It is going to depend on the complexity of your project, and how quickly you can turn around requests for content, and approving things at checkpoints. Generally speaking a small project could take a few days, or a week. A larger project might take over a month.

This is not a work for hire, and you will not own the software. However, you will have a perpetual, non-restrictive, world-wide license to use and modify the software for your business, including the right to pass the license along should you sell your business.

You will own all content including pictures taken for your website, but excluding those that are under license by a third party. You will also own any domain names secured for your website and are free to have them hosted where ever you like.

Be very suspicious of anyone who tells you they can get you to the top of Google. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the "art" of influencing your position within the Google search results. I can't promise to "get you to the top of Google". What I can do, is use generally accepted best practices to help Google index your site properly, and hopefully that will help improve your position within search results.

Be aware that the most powerful influencer of site rankings is links to your site from quaility sites. For example, a link from a mega site like cnn.com or womansday.com is worth way more than almost anything I can do for your site.

Having said that, we will have a discussion about keywords that your customers may be searching on when they are looking for you. I will optimize your site to use those keywords in key places to help influence Google to properly index your site.

Believe me, the last thing I want is for you to be dissatisfied. I will work hard to make sure you love your site, but if you don't, then you don't owe me a dime.

And there are no long term contracts either. If you decide you want to do something else a couple of months from now, go for it. You only pay for what you use.

Give me a call, most plans come with some level of support built in. Hours above that are billed at standard rates, but most things can be handled with a simple phone call for no charge.

The site will be designed to allow you to update most things that are likely to change. If there is something you can't update, I can add functionality for that. If it fits within your allotted support time, awesome. If it goes over, it will be billed at standard rates. I'll let you know if it is likely to go over before I start.

Give me a call. We'll talk and I'll give you an estimate for the work. Most things can be added for an affordable price.

I can set up email accounts, lists, and/or forwarders for whateveryouwant@yourdomain.com. I can set it up so that you can send branded email from whateveryouwant@yourdomain.com using gmail, which is what I recommend. You can have as many email addresses as you want.

About Spellman Systems

Building addictively simple web applications since 2008.

Phone: 503.803.7132

Email: info@spellmansystems.com